A firefighters’ sanctuary in Cambridge Bay

Cambridge Bay Fire Department Sanctuary.jpg (158 KB)

Pictured above: The new firefighter sanctuary (left) and a firefighter getting ready to leave in the bunker room below.

Volunteers firefighters in Cambridge Bay, NU recently received a well-deserved reward for their hard work for their community. 

For some time, Angela Gerbrandt, Training Officer at the Fire Department in Cambridge Bay, NU, had been thinking of a way to express gratitude to the volunteer firefighters who selflessly donate hours of their time to serve the community. This is how the idea of creating a ‘sanctuary’ was born.

Gerbrandt quickly identified a space inside the fire hall and began to clear it with the idea of creating a space where members could find peace and tranquility – and a big room emerged! She reached out for support, and Peter Tobin, Northern Store Manager, and his team were happy to assist by donating and delivering couches, tables and chairs that were gently used and stored at the Northern store. In addition, Tobin included a new TV and DVD player.

The space designated as the firefighters’ sanctuary is above the ‘bunker room’ (where the firefighters’ clothes hang) which nowadays is also used for the group training nights.

“We couldn’t be more grateful. It’s been a month now and we are thrilled,” said Gerbrandt. “With the guys ‘just upstairs’ when a call comes in, our response time should be even faster!”