Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Healthy Horizons Foundation?

The Healthy Horizons Foundation is a charity founded in 2015 by The North West Company to provide funding to community-based health and wellness programs for children and youth in northern communities.

What does the Healthy Horizons Foundation support?

Healthy Horizons is dedicated to the health and well-being of children and youth in the north. Through financial grants, we support programs and events focused on physical activity, nutrition, education and wellness.

A few examples of the types of programs we support are:

  • Community and family resource centres
  • Exercise facilities and programs
  • Sports activities
  • Disease prevention education
  • Nutritional literacy
  • Academic and non-academic life skill programs
  • Land-based learning

Why is the Healthy Horizons Foundation focused on youth?

We believe that children and youth who have access to healthy living programs enjoy the physical, social and mental benefits right now and develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. A child having fun playing hockey, learning to cook or connecting with their traditions is enough, but we also see that child bringing their fitness level, nutritional savvy and cultural strength into adulthood.

Where does the money for the Foundation come from?

Healthy Horizons relies on funds donated by generous individuals, employee and community fundraising events, as well as corporate-driven initiatives such as the Star Icon Campaign and Healthy Horizons Foundation store coin boxes.

Who is eligible for funding?

To be eligible for Healthy Horizons Foundation funding, you must be:

  • A registered charity or qualified donee in Canada
  • Aligned to the mission and vision of the Healthy Horizons Foundation (youth programming focused on positive, healthy opportunities in northern communities)

We are a non-profit organization – can we receive funding?

Healthy Horizons can only provide financial support to organizations that are registered charities or qualified donees. We are happy to help your organization apply for qualified donee status. See the Apply for Funding section – Apply for Qualified Donee Status or email us

Can I request funding from the Healthy Horizons Foundation for individual support?

Unfortunately, the Foundation is not able to provide financial support for individual requests. Please visit Sponsorship & Donations on The North West Company website for individual and community sponsorships requests that are outside of Healthy Horizons’ mandate. 

How can I apply for funding?

If you are a Registered Charity in Canada or have a Qualified Donee Status, and your program aligns with the Foundation’s vision, review the Grant Guidelinesdownload the Grant Application Form and submit it to

How can I donate to the Healthy Horizons Foundation?

Thank you for considering a donation to Healthy Horizons. Be assured that your contribution will go to positive, healthy youth programs in the north. There are many ways that you can donate:

  • Click here to make an Online Donation
  • Mail your donation to C/O Healthy Horizons Foundation, 77 Main Street Winnipeg, MB,
    R3C 2R1
  • If you’re at a Northern or NorthMart store, purchase Stars Icons, drop a donation into a Healthy Horizons coin box or support a local Healthy Horizons fundraiser.

Are donations to the Healthy Horizons Foundation Tax deductible?

Donations of $20 or more are tax deductible. When you donate online an automatic e-receipt will be emailed. If you donate via mail, an e-receipt will be emailed to you once your donation is received or, if you prefer, mailed to your home address.