A delightful day in Thunder Bay

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Recruitment specialist, Laine Anderson (right) and Northern Kasabonika Store Manager, Andrew Sanderson were happy to see major interest from attendees in becoming a Nor’ Wester.

Representatives from The North West Company heard eye-opening stories and engaged with young people at the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Youth Gathering in Thunder Bay, ON in mid February.

The event invites youth aged 16-24 to explore employment opportunities and voice their experiences. From February 14 to 16, the upcoming generation across a broad range of Ontario’s communities engaged in meaningful conversations and mentorship. The North West Company was invited to speak at a panel, staff a recruiting booth and participate in other engaging networking opportunities. Along with a $5,000 scholarship, North West joined in the discussion, offered advice and engaged with participants.

Vice President Sales & Operations Mike Beaulieu’s presentation on employment topics such as summer internships and management career paths also generated great interest from the participants.

“The NAN Youth Gathering really was an incredible event,” shared Recruitment Specialist, Laine Anderson. “There were very brave young adults sharing their stories and struggles. One young man is even getting his own TED Talk. The energy at the conference was very positive and uplifting. It was very eye opening for all.”

Many individuals asked questions about The North West Company and the Northern stores, Anderson added.

“A couple attendees even commented on Mike’s presentation, saying they had no idea we were so active in the communities. I think it was really important for us to have a presence there.”