Keeping a safe distance

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Black tape on the floor in stores has been an effective educational tool to encourage customers to practice social distancing.

When shoppers are rushing to get what they need in grocery stores, social distancing as a safety measure may not be top of mind. At Northern Shamattawa, MB, a new system of benchmarks within the store is making a difference.

Education plays an important role in containing the COVID-19 outbreak. The visual aids placed on the floor, 6 feet apart, are good reminders to keep a safe distance between each other when strolling between the aisles. The black tape is a real eye-opener for many, helping people to gain a better understanding of, and appreciation for, the new shopping reality.

“The day we completed ramping up the store for the first relief, the Community Health Director came in the store to shop. I asked his opinion on our idea to give shoppers a real meaning of the “6 feet distance,” recalled Northern Shamattawa Store Manager Scott Irvine. “Almost immediately he said, ‘What a great job!’ and asked if he could take some pictures. He said he was going to show the Head Nurse when he got back to work.”

Irvine also shared that his team is committed to protecting the health and safety of both staff and customers by regularly looking for ways to improve the preventative measures, as well as being open to discuss new ideas. The team has been connecting through daily conference calls and will continue to do so in the future.