A Mother’s Day Surprise

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Buffalo Narrows Store Manager, Calvin Daigneault delivers flowers to a happy mother on Mother's Day.   

Cardinal Mermillod once said, “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.”

Geraldine and Sharon Werminsky were among the many thankful Northern customers looking for a way to express their appreciation for their mother for Mother’s Day. But due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, their options were very limited. As Sharon lives out of town, she could not deliver the flowers herself.

So when Sharon anxiously called the Northern store on May 8, to ask how she could get flowers delivered for her mother for Mother’s Day, Buffalo Narrows, SK Store Manager Calvin Daigneault was already prepared to jump into action to make it happen.

Embracing the spirit of Mother’s Day, Daigneault himself decided to deliver the flowers himself. Sharon shared Daigneault’s instant generous response with community members on her Facebook page. She also shared her mother’s joyous reaction.

The Werminskys’ mother was ecstatic to receive the flowers and wholeheartedly thanked her wonderful daughters for the gift, as well as Daigneault for his incredible delivery efforts.

“I love it. Thanks again Calvin! You’re an amazing human. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help make others smile,” Geraldine happily shared.

Daigneault further reassured the grateful daughters that he and his staff are always ready to help their customers.