Puvirnituq comes together to clean the community

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Residents of Puvirnituq and Northern store staff came together to clean their community in a hopeful and crucial community clean-up. 

The community of Puvirnituq, QC, came together to help carry out a community clean-up, and make Puvirnituq a greener and cleaner space for all its residents.

The program was organized and funded by the Village of Puvirnituq with assistance from the local Northern store. The initiative is an important step towards a cleaner planet and a much-needed sustainable lifestyle that focuses on recycling as well as reducing waste.

The Northern store staff showed their support by volunteering to clean up in the community. The store remained closed until late in the evening to allow employees to participate in the clean-up activities. To thank the volunteers for their efforts, the Northern store also donated prizes at the end of the day. 

The event was held on June 27, following social distancing protocols including having volunteers wear masks and gloves during the clean-up. This did not stop the volunteers from working together as a team in harmony.

“We were very happy to help out the community!” said Puvirnituq Northern Store Manager, Ashley Szumilak.