Culture Day Camp for Brochet’s Elders

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Pictured above: A delicious meal is being prepared at the campsite to share and enjoy the Elders’ stories.

Elders in the community of Barren Lands First Nation were treated to a long overdue and well-deserved gathering after many months of having to stay apart due to pandemic restrictions.

Over the past few months many traditions, activities, gatherings and events that are celebrated every year were put on hold, so Barrens Land First Nation organized a Culture Day Camp for Elders to gather on September 29.

Elders had the chance to spend some time surrounded by youth and other community members – making small crafts, enjoying a delicious lunch and sharing stories about their ancestors, heritage and history.

Brochet Northern Store Manager, Al Nanji, was invited by the Elders to be part of the event, and brought some refreshments to share.

“It was a pleasant surprise to get an invitation since I have only been here for two months. I really enjoyed their company and stories; I was moved to listen to the stories they told. I was truly blessed to be part of such an event,” said Nanji.