Volunteering at Moose Lake

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Pictured above: (left to right) Mosakahiken Cree Nation Social Assistance Coordinator, Margy McNabb, North West Company Sales Representative, Erika Campbell, and MCN Councillor, Allard Nasecapow.

The community of Moose Lake, MB got a helping hand assembling food hampers from a group of volunteer Nor’Westers.

When Mosakahiken Cree Nation (Moose Lake) decided to present food hampers to 200 families in their community, they got in touch with Erika Campbell, a Sales Representative on The North West Company’s Commercial Sales team. She was able to procure 24,000 lbs. of food, but, because of COVID-related staff shortages, was unable to provide pre-packaged hampers.

Unwilling to disappoint the community, Campbell proposed that the sales team travel to Moose Lake and help pack the hampers themselves. The Commercial Sales team and two other Nor’Westers immediately agreed to volunteer their time for the impromptu trip.

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Pictured above: (left) The Nor’Westers who flew to Moose Lake to help assemble hampers and (right) Moose Lake community members and Nor’Westers who, together, assembled food hampers for 200 families.

The team flew to Moose Lake on February 18, 2022 and worked with community members at the hockey arena. Together, they packaged hampers for 200 families in only four hours. Each hamper contained three bags of nutritious food and snacks, plus daily necessities.

“It was a pleasure to help Mosakahiken Cree Nation package the hampers. It’s always a treat to visit the communities we serve,” said Campbell.

Nor’Westers were surprised and honoured when Councillor Allard Nasecapow and SA Coordinator Margy McNabb visited the arena at lunchtime and prepared moose burgers and fried bannock to thank the team.